Category: Nuisance Info
Bird Spikes
Bird spikes are a humane method of deterring birds from roosting on man-made structures. Please DO NOT use pastes or gels as a bird repellent or deterrent. These pastes and gels permanently stick to a bird’s feet and feathers and will eventually impair their ability to fly. The only way to remove the paste is … Continue Reading
Birds In Your Vent
Due to extensive loss of habitat, some species of birds have adapted by utilizing the eaves, dryer and stove vents of homes for nesting cavities. Most homeowners are aware of this problem, but wait until nesting season to correct the situation. I can hear the babies. How much longer before they leave? What can I … Continue Reading
Duck Management for Communities
Many beautiful planned communities, apartments, condos and single family homes are built on land near natural or man-made lakes. The serene setting of a lake with waterfowl may have initially enticed residents who didn’t thoroughly evaluate what they might encounter when living so close to wildlife. This is compounded by the quick population growth of … Continue Reading
Humane Use Of Live Animal Traps
Trapping Is Not A Quick Fix Most homeowners immediately want the animal removed and relocated, which they feel is a quick solution for them and they believe it is a humane alternative for the animal. Animals are attracted to your property for one of many possible reasons; these might include food, shelter, water, and safe … Continue Reading
Nuisance Small Mammals
See the table at the bottom of this page for common problems and recommended solutions This article addresses come common issues related to nuisance small mammals. Most homeowners take it personally when encountering nuisance wildlife problems. They think the animal is being malicious. We already know that people/neighbors don’t respect personal property or boundries. So … Continue Reading