Species Database
The Species Database provides detailed information regarding a specific species.ย Available data can include weight, longevity, gestation/incubation, metabolic rate, age at maturity, etc. Data related to milk composition and other traits, as well as links to rehabilitation information and links to addition species-specific research may also be available.
Common Name | Family | Genus | Species |
Wood duck | Anatidae | Aix | sponsa |
Egyptian goose | Anatidae | Alopochen | aegyptiaca |
Northern pintail | Anatidae | Anas | acuta |
American wigeon | Anatidae | Anas | americana |
White-cheeked pintail | Anatidae | Anas | bahamensis |
Northern shoveler | Anatidae | Anas | clypeata |
Green-winged teal | Anatidae | Anas | crecca |
Cinnamon teal | Anatidae | Anas | cyanoptera |
Blue-winged teal | Anatidae | Anas | discors |
Mottled duck | Anatidae | Anas | fulvigula |
Laysan teal | Anatidae | Anas | laysanensis |
Eurasian wigeon | Anatidae | Anas | penelope |
Mallard | Anatidae | Anas | platyrhynchos |
Garganey | Anatidae | Anas | querquedula |
American black duck | Anatidae | Anas | rubripes |
Gadwall | Anatidae | Anas | strepera |
Greater white-fronted goose | Anatidae | Anser | albifrons |
Greylag goose | Anatidae | Anser | anser |
Pink-footed goose | Anatidae | Anser | brachyrhynchus |
Bean goose | Anatidae | Anser | fabalis |
Lesser scaup | Anatidae | Aythya | affinis |
Redhead | Anatidae | Aythya | americana |
Ring-necked duck | Anatidae | Aythya | collaris |
Common pochard | Anatidae | Aythya | ferina |
Tufted duck | Anatidae | Aythya | fuligula |
Greater scaup | Anatidae | Aythya | marila |
Canvasback | Anatidae | Aythya | valisineria |
Brent goose | Anatidae | Branta | bernicla |
Canada goose | Anatidae | Branta | canadensis |
Barnacle goose | Anatidae | Branta | leucopsis |
Hawaiian goose | Anatidae | Branta | sandvicensis |
Bufflehead | Anatidae | Bucephala | albeola |
Common goldeneye | Anatidae | Bucephala | clangula |
Barrow's goldeneye | Anatidae | Bucephala | islandica |
Cape barren goose | Anatidae | Cereopsis | novaehollandiae |
Snow goose | Anatidae | Chen | caerulescens |
Emperor goose | Anatidae | Chen | canagica |
Ross's goose | Anatidae | Chen | rossii |
Oldsquaw | Anatidae | Clangula | hyemalis |
Trumpeter swan | Anatidae | Cygnus | buccinator |