Formulating An Avian Diet
Formulating a diet is a fairly complex process. It is much easier to use established diets that have already been researched. But it is good to understand how a diet is formulated. It will help you to understand why certain ingredients and their ratios are important. Knowing how to formulate a diet will also help you if you are experiencing growth or development problems with a specific species of bird and need to modify an existing diet. Examples of suggested diets can be found Here. There aren’t that many steps, but each step can be fairly involved:
An avian diet in the wild can be broken down by the species’ “Trophic Level” (their position in the who-eats-who food chain). Their “Trophic Level” defines what their digestive system is capable of processing and deriving nutrients from.
It would be easier to classify all flesh, fish, and insect eaters as carnivores and all plant, seed and fruit eaters as herbivores but this would not meet the nutritional needs of each species. The “Trophic Level” defines the major protein source (>50%) of the bird’s total diet. The fatty acid and amino acid composition is different for each protein source. “It’s not just what you eat, it’s what you can digest and absorb that’s important.” Seed Eaters By calculating the average nutritional values of insects and fruits based on the percentages utilized in the wild, we can calculate the approximate nutrient requirements of the bird. (see below)
The target range in the table above illustrates the approximate dietary requirements for an adult. You will need the nutrient values of the foods eaten to create a target range for your diet. Instead of creating a diet for every species of bird, it is easier to create 2 or 3 that address the needs of most birds. Perhaps 2 diets: I=(60-70)/F=(30-40) and I=100. You can then modify your base diets if you receive a bird with specialized nutritional requirements. When we used the nutrient values of red ants, wild crickets and catepillars, we calculated a target range for a prepared diet containing 68% moisture to be 20.6% protein, 9.6% fat, 48.9 mg calcium and having 4.35 kCal per gram. We want to match the composition of the solids in the diet. After removing all the moisture content, what nutrient ratios are the birds actually processing? This helps us determine the density of the solids. (think of the commercial on television that demonstrates you’d have to eat 12 bowls of a generic breakfast cereal in order to get the same amount of nutrients available in just one bowl of Total cereal.) The calculation for determining the dry matter nutrient ratio of the diet is: Note: we did not use the values of commerical feeder insects because their nutrient values are based on artificial diets and supplements and may not accurately represent their wild counterparts. If we do the same thing but also add mulberries, at 30 and 40% respectively: This would suggest our target ranges for our prepared diets to be: (Note: The pattern we see in comparing the dry matter analysis of both diets is that fat ratios remain at 46% of the protein ratio.) Compare this with the values of soaked/prepared (unsupplemented) dry dog food: Protein Sources We could use commercially prepared insect sources, but at $5-$6 an ounce it isn’t an option for most rehabilitators. So we rely heavily on using commercially prepared pet foods as our primary ingredient. But dog foods are based on an omnivore diet (usually high in grains and iron) and cat foods are based on a true carnivore diet (containing Taurine and other supplements that true carnivores can not synthesize). So it is important to add the right supplements to balance out the dietary needs of the insectivore. It is best to select a pet food that provides its proteins from several different sources, in an effort to increase the bioavailability (absorption of nutrients). Of the first 6 ingredients listed on the label, look for at least 2-3 animal protein sources. To compare commercially prepared dog foods Click Here. You’ll also supplement a protein source to increase the ratio. Egg whites (either dried or boiled) are usually good choice for increasing protein levels of commercial pet foods when used conservatively. Their protein ratios are extremely high (81%) and the nutrients are 100% digestible to birds.2 It is important to use conservative protein ratios; very high protein levels can result in decreased growth and body fat and can negatively impact the synthesis of other amino acids. Of potential interest to songbird rehabilitators may be commerically prepared trout pellets. They are high in protein and have high stability in water, allowing the pellets to be soaked without losing their shape or consistency for hand feedings. However, the lipid content is substantially lower than what is required by songbirds and should be supplemented. An additional consideration is the iron content. Creating the base diet is just the starting point, but it is also the biggest hurdle. From the base diet, you can begin adding supplements that address specialized needs or known dietary deficiencies of specific birds. Energy/Fat Supplementation of 10% of sunflower oil (linoleic) to diets has shown better feed efficiacy and rate of growth, in comparison to other fats. Greater than 10% was used in some of the diets to compensate for the lack of fat in egg whites and balance the protein:fat ratio to 46%. Fat content has been modified to mimick ratios of wild diets and with the presumption of optimizing protein utilization. The changes related to increased fat ratios to amino acid and other nutrient profiles was not fully explored. However, supplementation of vitamin A and E is recommended due to its absence in egg white powder. 3,4,5,6,7. Vitamins/Minerals Summary
Taurine is a non-essential amino acid produced by the body through the synthesis of two other amino acids (methionine and cysteine). It is also a component of bile acids, which is used to help absorb fats and fat-soluble vitamins. Taurine regulates the heart beat, maintains cell membrane stability, and helps prevent brain cell over-activity. Taurine is found mostly in meat and fish. Taurine is normally produced by the liver, but possibly because organs contain high levels of taurine, carnivores poorly synthesize taurine and require higher levels of taurine in their diets. Particularly rich sources are organ meats such as brains, kidneys, heart and liver. Studies conducted on the cells of embryonic and post-hatch chicks and poultry suggest that their cells contain a specialized taurine transport system. The flux of calcium across the B-cell membrane changes during early post-hatch development, and that taurine regulates both the influx and efflux of calcium in chick B-cells. It is possible that birds synthesize taurine requirements directly from methionine and cysteine. The addition of dietary levels of .5% taurine produced decreased egg weight. Whether a insectivores synthesize taurine or require a dietary source has not been established. Taurine is supplemented to carnivore diets at varying rates (.25-.65%)9,10,11,12,13,14 |
REFERENCES: 1Life Histories of North American Thrushes, Kinglets, and Their Allies, Bent, 1964 2C. Klasing, Comparative Avian Nutrition, pp. 282-284 3Alao SJ, Balnave D. Nutritional significance of different fat sources for growing broilers. Poult Sci 1985 Aug;64(8):1602-4 4Crespo N, Esteve-Garcia E. Dietary fatty acid profile modifies abdominal fat deposition in broiler chickens. Poult Sci 2001 Jan;80(1):71-8 5Steffens W, Wirth M, Rennert B. Effects of adding various oils to the diet on growth, feed conversion and chemical composition of carp (Cyprinus carpio). Arch Tierernahr 1995;47(4):381-9 6Alao SJ, Balnave D. Growth and carcass composition of broilers fed sunflower oil and olive oil. Br Poult Sci 1984 Apr;25(2):209-19 7Crespo N, Esteve-Garcia E. Dietary fatty acid profile modifies abdominal fat deposition in broiler chickens. Poult Sci 2001 Jan;80(1):71-8 8C. Klasing, Comparative Avain Nutrition, pp. 282-284 9van Gelder NM, Belanger F. (1988) Embryonic exposure to high taurine: a possible nutritional contribution to Friedreich’s ataxia. J Neurosci Res 1988 Jul;20(3):383-9 10Porter DW, Martin WG. (1992) Taurine uptake into chick B cells. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 1992 Feb;199(2):243-8 11Tufft LS, Jensen LS. (1992) Influence of dietary taurine on performance and fat retention in broilers and turkey poults fed varying levels of fat. Poult Sci 1992 May;71(5):880-5 12Porter DW, Martin WG. (1993) Taurine regulation of Ca2+ uptake and (Ca(2+)+Mg2+)-ATPase in developing chick B-cells. Comp Biochem Physiol Comp Physiol 1993 Oct;106(2):309-12 13Yamazaki M, Takemasa M. (1998) Effects of dietary taurine on egg weight. Poult Sci 1998 Jul;77(7):1024-6 14Peter S. Whittona,b *, Russell A. Nicholsona,c, Michael F. Bella and Robin H. C. Stranga (1995) Biosynthesis of Taurine in Tissues of the Locust (Schistocerca americana gregaria) and the Effect of Physiological and Toxicological Stresses on Biosynthetic Rate of this Amino Acid Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Vol. 25 (1) (1995) pp. 83-87 15;Bushway, J. food Science 1983 48:1878-1880 16Usui-Masayuki {a}; Kakuda-Yukio; Kevan-Peter-G. 1994. Composition and energy values of wild fruits from the boreal forest of northern Ontario. Canadian-Journal-of-Plant-Science. 1994; 74 (3) 581-587. ; |